Oyster Career Consultant Support, Apply now for a job

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"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7, Bible

Finding a job in today's economy can be a very difficult undertaking. It might be tempting to give up, but God wants us to be contributing members of society and follow his leading and guidance to the right place of employment. He knows the timing and the place where we will be able to use our gifts and talents for the glory of his Kingdom. And as Christians, we know that the Lord will always provide for his children no matter what comes our way.

"When times get tough, we don't give up. We get up!"

You should only listen to God and exclude the types of people who can negatively impact you and your life. We deal with rejections and we are aware that we cannot satisfy everyone. Please do not listen to those who were rejected because it can affect you. The process might be hard and time-consuming, but if you fight until the end, you will be rewarded with success.


This is a website where people apply and employers recruit them. We do not hire people on our own, and we have no control over jobs or salaries; therefore, takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any content provided by you or any third party. By using this website, you agree to be bound by and comply with our Terms and Conditions Online Dispute Resolution.